Article: Are You A Tiger Parent Or A Disgrace?

For each answer, a numerical score has been given in parentheses. Add up your score and see if you are a Tiger Parent.

Background Information

  1. What is the ideal number of children to have?
    • One. The Chinese Government got it right (0)
    • Two or more. Just in case you disown some (100)

Child Rearing Philosophy

  1. Why did you have a child?
    • To make the world a better place (0)
    • To fulfill my failed dreams (100)
  2. Best way to describe your parenting style?
    • Mister Rogers. My home is the real-life Neighborhood (0)
    • Mr. Elon Musk. Treat them like employees that I tweet to while conquering the world (100)
  3. How often do you display love and affection to your child?
    • Always. Kiss, hug and say “I love you” any chance I get (0)
    • Never. Love is a four letter word never shown or spoken (100)
  4. How many languages does your child speak?
    • Less than five (0)
    • Five or more (100)
  5. In your child’s room, what poster do you have on the wall?
    • Alphabet (0)
    • Sun Tzu (100)
  6. Should your child date before marriage?
    • Yes (-100)
    • No (100)
  7. If the previous answer is yes, what preconditions must occur?
    • None. It’s my child’s decision (0)
    • Acceptance into Harvard (100)

Educational Goals

  1. How do you react when your child gets a “B” grade?
    • Tell them how proud I am and encourage them with words of support (0)
    • Slice off my little pinkie. My child is a failure because of me (100)
  2. Does your child have extra tutoring? Mark all that apply.
    • No (0)
    • Yes, in Science (100)
    • Yes, in Technology (100)
    • Yes, in Engineering (100)
    • Yes, in Math (100)
    • Yes, in Liberal Arts and Humanities (-100)
  3. What are your aspirations for your child graduating from high school?
    • I just want him/her to maximize their potential (0)
    • Valedictorian. Confucius say “Child who is #2 is a Number Two” (100)
  4. When your baby was born, what subjects did you plan your child to pursue in college?
    • None. Let them decide (0)
    • Science, Technology, Math, Engineering, Law, Business (100)
      Medicine (1000)
    • Liberal Arts and Humanities (-100)
  5. Which university do you want your child to attend?
    • Anywhere they are happy (0)
    • Harvard. It’s not about them (100)
  6. If you want your child to play sports, which are important?
    • Fun and social categories (0)
    • Anything that looks good to Harvard (100)
  7. Does your child play the Chinese Lute?
    • No. Is that a game? (0)
    • Yes. It looks good to Harvard (100)
  8. What do you consider the perfect Saturday activity for your child: Mark all that apply.
    • Spending time with their friends (0)
    • Building an exact replica of the Empire State building in LEGO (100)
    • Programming Roblox in Lua (100)
    • Attending Saturday Chinese immersion school (100)
    • Playing their Chinese Lute (1000)


  1. How important is your child’s mental health?
    • Very important. I will make sure they get all the love and support (0)
    • No big deal. Nothing a few prescription pills can’t solve (100)
    • Only white people have mental health issues (1000)


Tally your final score to determine your parenting style:

<1000 You are either a disgrace or white.
1000-3000You are a Tiger Cub.  Either step up your game or give up your kids for adoption.
>3000  You are a Tiger Parent! You will be receiving an autographed Amy Chua paddle.  

Article: Useful Parenting Feedback From My Kids That I Really Shouldn’t Ignore

Article: You May Be a Wall Street Asshole If…

You start by saying they should hire you because you are a business decathlete: the Bruce Jenner of the recruiting class. When told he’s now Caitlyn, you respond with “OK – I’m the dick version of Bruce.”

When asked why you want to work in banking, you respond so you can get paid, laid and partayed.

Your last name is Rockefeller and you don’t take interviews seriously because you are a card carrying member of the lucky sperm club.

Your interviewer ends by telling you the job “will be hard but worth it in the long-run” to which you retort with “that’s what she said!”

You wear your matching Ivy League tie and cufflinks so you don’t have to open your mouth for others to know you are smarter than them.

You love Christian Bale’s portrayal of a serial killer investment banker in American Psycho but don’t think the story is realistic because you know he would never have saved the cat.

You invite clients to male dwarf-tossing on the trading floor instead of the Raider cheerleaders meet-and-greet because you are totally in tune with the #MeToo movement.

You believe that one can be at the right place and right time. How else could you explain all the dumbasses you work for?

You post on LinkedIn that you are humbled to be named to Forbes Midas list of top bankers. You repost it on Facebook and Twitter saying you were surprised to be listed.

You predicted the crash proving that you are the Nostradamus of Wall Street. Just like you’ve been doing every Christmas since 2000.

You never follow your own financial advice because it’s just plain f*cking wrong.

You know that any problem solvable with money isn’t a problem.

You know that whoever said money doesn’t buy happiness was either poor as dirt or dumb as sh*t.

You know you can’t possibly live on $2 million per year? Your drug habit alone costs a cool million.

You don’t want to go to a second tier business school because it’s a slippery slope to working at a third tier firm and marrying a fourth tier wife.

You secretly worship Donald Trump but know that if you tell your girlfriend you won’t get sex the once a month you’re able to get out of the office.

Your third wife is mad at you for cheating on her just like you did with her on your second wife.

You wear your Goldman Sachs vest and Wharton tie on your Tinder profile.

You decide to quit by writing an email to the entire firm stating that its full of yellow bellied assholes. You send the email just to yourself.

Your boss tells you they are finally firing you because you are an entitled sh*t. You get your dad to buy the firm so you can fire the guy who fired you.